Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Two Month Check Up

(2 month check-up 4-22-08)
Kenna weighs 8 pounds 8 ounces & is 21 3/4 inches long! She is still our little peanut! She is not quite sleeping through the night, but she is giving us 6 hours straight most nights now. The doctor said she needs to be eating more than she is, so hopefully we can get her to eat more and sleep longer. She is a great little sleeper, but mommy and daddy are still tired all the time.

Kenna also has a great big sissy. Kayla loves having a sister. Her favorite part is to pick her up as you see from the picture. This was taken on Sat. April 19th. in our driveway. We were going to the Big Shanty Festival in Kennesaw!

Kenna's room...this only took us 5 days to complete! We still have a little bit to add, like pictures on the not polka-dotted wall. On the dot wall, we are going to paint Kenna's name in the pink stripe. We really love how it turned out!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

No News Yet

Kenna is a healthy 8 week old and is smiling and cooing all of the time! We are having so much fun having 2 little girls! Kayla is still an amazing big "sissy"! She loves to hold her and kiss on her!

As far as our ICWA case goes...we are still waiting. Our attorney has found another attorney that is able to present a case in the San Carlos Apache Court. So now we are just waiting to hear when the case can be heard.

We will post some pictures this week so you can see how much she has grown. She has her 2 month check up on Tuesday and I can't wait to see how much weight she has gained! but I'm not looking forward to her getting her shots!