Our 2nd blow was that Cynthia is a registered tribe member. This was such a blow because this can be a big hangup and we were told by our "wonderful" agency that she was not a tribe member, making the process much easier. This means that we have to hire another attorney who specializes in ICWA laws (Indian child welfare act), luckily our many fees cover this extra attorney. There are a few more papers to sign and another court hearing to satisfy ICWA. Our attny did say that this was not a difficult thing and he feels that the tribe has no rights since she is relinquishing her rights voluntarily.
We are on such a roller coaster ride, we get hit daily with bad news and then God blesses, turns it around and uses it to bless us! He is so much bigger than all of this and we are seeing Him work in only ways He can! We will list a few of these to end this post on a good note.
So we got out here 3 days early, which was going to make us spend a lot more in hotel costs, rental car costs, possibly airline costs. We lost the chance to get the babies room ready, we would have known it was a girl, etc... Well, I know your wondering the blessing in this, here is where Kenn comes in. He knows some wonderful people in Phoenix (Steve and Theresa) that opened their office to us as a base of operations (Internet connection, couch, drinks, and a TV for Kayla)

Katrina was about to run out of minutes on her cell phone and she called Sprint to buy more and they gave her 300 extra bonus minutes!!!
Our wonderful family (that we drove to see) had a home cooked meal for us and another place to stay tonight!! Family is so wonderful to be with during hard times!!! Kayla really needed this time to run around with her cousins (they have 5 kids) and be a kid!!
So, 2 nights out of town and no hotel rooms!! In the morning we are going to John MacArthur's church, so we know we have an awesome place to worship!
So, we are waiting to see how God handles this next challenge. Please pray specifically about the extra 10 days we have to wait now. If we feel comfortable enough with Cynthia's steadfastness in her decision we may all 4 come home next Sat. We love you all and are glad to be able to share with you what God is doing in our lives.
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