We have a specific prayer request. Arizona's icpc did go through this afternoon. Cynthia still has until next Thursday at midnight (March 6th) to change her mind according to Georgia's consents. We can take a risk and come home all together, but if she changes her mind, we would have to bring Kenna back. We feel strong that her mind is made up, but it is a risk. We ask for peace and wisdom in knowing if Katrina and Kenna should stay in AZ or CA or go on to Chattanooga until Georgia's icpc goes through. We all are ready to come home!
Kenna's doctor apptmt. went very good. She is small for her age, but is healthy. She is 5 pounds 2 oz. and is 18 3/4 inches long!! Our little peanut! We have our clearance letter from the doctor for her to travel home. Our court day with ICWA (indian child welfare act) will be sometime within the next 2 weeks. We do not have to be here for that, our attorney takes care of this and will take Cynthia with him to court. Our GA attorney feels everything looks good for ICWA.

After Kenna's doctors visit, we went to CamelBack Mountain. We didn't hike too much with a 6 day old, but it still was a pretty (Arizona) view!!
Thats not water on my shirt!

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